Monday, October 31, 2022

Jan Zizka

 Jan Zizka

Rarity: Legendary


Skill    Description

One-Eyed Knight

Deals skill damage to the target troop(Damage Factor 1400).When this comhmander’s troop has fewer than 50%units remaining, this skill deals additional skill damage (Damage Factor 100).

Upgrade Preview:
Direct Damage Factor: 1400/1600/1800/2000/2200
Direct Damage Factor: 100/130/160/200/250

Sword Held High

Cavalry units led by this commander gain 3% Attack. When troops are garrisoned, Cavalry units’ Defense is increased by 3%and skill damage dealt is increased by 2%.

Upgrade Preview:
Cavalry Attack Bonus: 3%/6%/9%/12%/15%
Cavalry Defense Bonus: 3%/6%/9%/12%/15%
Skill Damage Bonus: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%


Troops led by this commander take 2%less normal attack damage. When troops are garrisoned and take skill damage, they have a 10%chance to remove all normal buffs from the attacker. This dispel effect can trigger once every 8 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Normal Attack Damage Reduced: 2%/4%/6%/8%/10%

Battle of Grunwald

Cavalry units have 5% more Health. When launching a normal attack, they have a 10% chance of gaining a buff that increases their normal attack damage dealt by 5% for 3 seconds. This effect can trigger once every 8 seconds.

Upgrade Preview:
Cavalry Health Bonus: 5%/8%/11%/15%/20%
Normal Attack Damage Bonus: 5%/8%/11%/15%/20%

Cry of Bohemia

Deals skill damage to the target(Damage Factor 2400).When this commander’s troop has fewer than 50%units remaining, this skill deals additional skill damage to up to 3 surrounding troops within radius (Damage Factor 300).

Talent tree here